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Anti-Blackness in Arab and Islamic Thought - A brief survey

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My video essay on Anti-Blackness in Western Judeo-Christian thought (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJmSV3_lkzk) was fairly easy for me to put together. Europeans didn't have a huge amount of sustained interaction with Blackness prior to the early modern era. As a result, there isn't a huge amount of source material around Anti-Blackness. When I turned my attention to Anti-Blackness among Arabs and Muslims, I found a very different picture. Blackness has been a very prominent feature in this tradition of thought going back to the Pre-Islamic period, so for more than 1500 years. In my present discussion, I will sketch out some key themes of Anti-Blackness in Arab and Islamic thought with the caveat that I know I will leave out far more nuance and depth than I will include. Hopefully this will serve as a useful introduction to this subject area.

01:04 The Curse of Ham
06:17 Environmental Explanations of Blackness
13.41 Arab enslavement of Africans
17:58 The Islamic Prophet
22:16 Anti-blackness in Islamic Law

#Arabs #Africa #BlackHistory

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