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Bitcoin Q&A: Regulation and the bank boycott

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Добавлено by В НОВОСТИ МИРА
26 Просмотры


In 2014, you told the Canadian Senate to hold off on regulating cryptocurrencies for five years. What would you say to them now and do you see any new restrictions or regulations regarding bitcoin coming in the next 6 months? How would the Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act (HR-3708) affect capital gains reporting? Most regulations in the next six months will probably focus on ICOs and whether they fall under securities law. Custodial services which hold money on behalf of others may also face more scrutiny on a state-by-state basis in the United States. I don't believe in KYC/AML regulations. More and more interactions will move to decentralised exchanges; destroying the on- and off-ramps will just encourage people to stay in the cryptocurrency economy. Boycotting a technology or industry that is rapidly evolving is not a good idea.


My testimony to the Canadian Senate: https://youtu.be/GP_eT6E4os8

The first question is from the patron-only live Q&A which took place on November 27th 2017. The second question is from the patron-only live Q&A which took place on January 27th 2018. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/aantonop

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Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop https://twitter.com/aantonop
Website: https://antonopoulos.com/

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.

THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v1: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Internet-Money-collection-Andreas-Antonopoulos/dp/1537000454/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

[NEW] THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v2: https://www.amazon.com/Internet-Money-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/194791006X/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

MASTERING BITCOIN: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mastering-Bitcoin-Unlocking-Digital-Cryptocurrencies/dp/1449374042

[NEW] MASTERING BITCOIN, 2nd Edition: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Bitcoin-Programming-Open-Blockchain/dp/1491954388

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Music: "Unbounded" by Orfan (https://www.facebook.com/Orfan/)
Outro Graphics: Phneep (http://www.phneep.com/)
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (http://www.rockincomics.com.br/)

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