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BxJS Weekly Ep. 31 - Oct 6, 2018 (javascript news podcast)

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Добавлено by В НОВОСТИ МИРА
14 Просмотры


This is a weekly javascript podcast delivering you all the best javascript news of the week.

You can find all mentioned links here:


Timestamps for news (huge thanks to SOLVM):

Articles & News:
1:25 - Create a Discord bot using Node
2:42 - Introduction to Readable Javascript: Code Structure
4:20 - Maintaining state variables in React
5:30 - Using async generators as data streams
6:35 - JavaScript and Object-Oriented Programming
7:43 - Dependency injection in React using InversifyJS
8:53 - On Node Framework Popularity
10:42 - Getting to know Node’s child_process module
11:42 - React/JSX as a server-side templating language
14:25 - Building a Complex Financial Chart with D3 and d3fc
16:05 - Working with Babel 7 and Webpack
17:13 - An introduction to Custom Elements
20:23 - How I Exposed a Cryptocurrency Exchange's Dirty Tricks to Fight Competition
22:28 - Announcing the web-sys crate!
24:00 - WebAssembly on Cloudflare Workers
25:10 - Sourcegraph is now open source
26:14 - Node.js Foundation and JS Foundation Announce Intent to Create Joint Organization to Support the Broad Node.js and JavaScript Communities
27:20 - Plans for the Next Iteration of Vue.js

Tips & tricks
29:00 - I'm trying out Yarn Plug’n’Play and it's incredible
32:10 - The Nodejs Modules Team reached consensus on a minimal kernel for all future iterations on the design of ESM in node.js
33:25 - Barcode detection in a Web Worker using Comlink
34:30 - PSA: Node.js 11 will be out on October 23rd
35:24 - Internet Archive is in the process of adding in-browser emulation support for Commodore 64

36:15 - Create React App 2.0
37:37 - PM2 3.2

Libs & demos:
38:40 - node-vulkan
39:44 - undux
40:37 - firebase2graphql
41:10 - signal
42:00 - plot-it
42:32 - safe-range
42:58 - sal
43:34 - johnnydepp
44:29 - loader
46:10 - mostly-adequate-guide
47:08 - ekill
47:46 - highground
49:25 - husky

Silly stuff:
50:20 - GoogleMeetRoulette: Joining random meetings

Watch / listen in other places:
Dev.to: https://dev.to/yamalight
Castbox: https://castbox.fm/channel/id1378315

Project links:
Discord: https://discord.gg/hnKCXqQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buildingproductswithjs/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BuildingWithJS/
Project sources: https://github.com/BuildingXwithJS

Social media links:
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/yamalight
Follow me on Medium: https://medium.com/@yamalight
Follow me on Github: http://github.com/yamalight
Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yamalight
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buildingproductswithjs

Support me: https://codezen.net/support.html

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Яндекс.Метрика Рейтинг@Mail.ru