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FREEKICK FOOTBALL 3D JAVA GAME (Cocoasoft 2006 year)

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Cocoasoft is celebrating the football year with a release of a new game from the 3DSports series. Freekick Football is 3D sport simulator offering a player an attractive and realistic football tournament simulation played on worldwide football stadiums with 32 national teams and with an exhaustive ingame football encyclopedia.

Freekick Football is a first game in a series of 3DSports series. It's presented in a full 3D environment with great details and with realistic gameplay.

Unique gameplay features new compelling modes of play including the whole football tournament, single match, only penalty shooting or practice of both shooting and defending testing even the most hardcore football fans.

Player can choose any of the top 32 national football teams. Each team has unique look both in physical appearance and suits in the colours of the country. Realistic and smooth movement enhances the gameplay and delivers the real impact to the player's experience. All movements are recorded and replayed through 4 different cameras as a replay. Player can store this replays and share them with friends to add even more to the competitions with his or her friends.

With the game also comes a detailed data of a football history about world cups held in different countries, best shooters, statistics for matches and many more.

Please watch: "Prince of Persia: Harem Adventures Siemens M55 Java Game - FULL WALKTHROUGH (Gameloft 2002 year)"

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