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Fukushima Nuclear News Jan 17th 2019 - Homeless Meltdown Workers Given Paper Suits is Criminal

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Добавлено by В НОВОСТИ МИРА
20 Просмотры


No Yale university MIT university Berkeley University's Nuclear students academics scientist have ever been to Fukushima nuclear meltdowns so why are they sending the victims of society there with useless idiotic paper suits , well because your a coward and refuse to be human and demand nuclear scientist got there .

Koizumi says Japan must say ‘no’ to nuclear energy

Nuclear power plants running safely after East Coast quake
by John Siciliano https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy/nuclear-power-plants-running-safely-after-east-coast-quake

Further US grant for Framatome EATF development

As the ocean rises, so does the risk of breast cancer

Residential exposure to fine particulate matter air pollution and incident breast cancer in a cohort of Canadian women
Villeneuve, Paul J.a,b,*; Goldberg, Mark S.c; Crouse, Dan L.d; To, Teresae,f; Weichenthal, Scott A.g; Wall, Clausf; Miller, Anthony B.f Goldberg MS, Crouse DL

Best Uranium Stocks to Buy Now By Jim Pearce
Robert Rapier’s outlook for the utility sector in 2019

Why is the government cooling on nuclear? by Simon Jack
collapse of the Wylfa and Oldbury nuclear power projects today (following the abandonment of Moorside)

Extracting Power from Seawater without Nuclear Fusionby Steven Leibson
https://www.eejournal.com/article/extracting-power-from-seawater-without-nuclear-fusion/ Makai Ocean Engineering
Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority
NELHA and the associated HOST (Hawaii Ocean Science and Technology) Park


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My new movie will be coming out soon - Throw Nuclear Scientist From A High Speed Bullet Train

See study's on marine life on Canada pre fukushima -
B.C. CANADA Marine and Animal Studies http://ibis.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/efauna/SpeciesChecklists.html
Toxicity of inhaled plutonium dioxide in beagle dogs

We are looking for enthusiastic translation ambassadors for our YouTube translation project. To get started,just type along with the video in your language and save when done super impose over the original video to cultivate a general public that's informed and awed by nuclear fake science. Thanks to your contributions, we can continue to share the wonder of scientific fraud with the world .

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