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Journey to Docker Production: Evolving Your Infrastructure and Processes

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Добавлено by В НОВОСТИ МИРА
29 Просмотры


Bret Fisher - Independent Docker and DevOps Consultant

DevOps in the Real World is far from perfect, and we're all somewhere on the path to one day writing that "Amazing-Hacker-News-Post about your chat-bot fully-automated micro-service infrastructure." But until then, how can you *really* start using containers today, in meaningful ways that impact yours and your customers productivity? This session is designed for practitioners who are looking for ways to get started now with Docker and Swarm in production. No Docker 101 here, this is for helping you be successful on your way to Dockerizing your production systems. Attendees will get tactics, example configs, real working infrastructure designs, and see the (sometimes messy) internals of Docker in production today.

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Яндекс.Метрика Рейтинг@Mail.ru