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Right Now 01/11/2017 Manus Island, Another Dual Citizen, Paul Manafort and Kevin Spacey

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The Turnbull government is proceeding with the scheduled closure of the Manus Island Detention Centre however the 600 men currently located there are refusing to leave claiming it is unsafe for them to be in the Papua New Guinea community. This is another attempt by alleged refugees and their advocates to try and attack Australia’s strong border security, international bodies such as the UN and Human Rights Watch have also used this opportunity to attack our border policy. Thankfully on this our government has been resolute in its policy that no person who comes to Australia by boat will be settled in Australia.

Many thought the dual citizenship saga was over with the High Court ruling last Friday, however with the court affirming that ignorance of citizenship is not a defence it left open the possibility that many more MPs could be knocked out if it was discovered they held dual citizenship through various means. Yesterday President of the Senate Stephen Parry revealed that he might be a British citizen based on the fact that his father migrated from Britain. Many commentators have highlighted that if true Parry would be the first MP from a major party to being embroiled in the saga and will renew calls for an audit of the citizenship of all MPs. There will of course be greater calls from the political class to reform Section 44 to save them from future embarrassment however most Australians would just wish our lawmakers would actually know what the law is and follow it like the rest of us.

Both political and media critics of President Donald Trump believe they have found the smoking gun in the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy. As part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort along with associate Rick Gates have been indicted on charges of Conspiracy to launder money Failure to File Reports Of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts, being an Unregistered Agent of Foreign Principal and making "False Statements" relating to his time working as a lobbyist for the Ukrainian Government in 2014. These charges have of course nothing to do with the Trump campaign but many suspect that these charges have been filed against Manafort as part of strategy by Mueller to try and get Manafort to disclose information about his time in the Trump campaign. Paul Manafort has pleaded not guilty, he has been a political operative since the 1980s, has been close with Trump and his associates such as Roger Stone over the years and I suspect he would be not one to roll over and give Mueller anything.

Hollywood has been hit with another sex scandal only weeks after the full extent of producer Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct was laid out. This time it is House of Cards actor Kevin Spacey has been accused by fellow actor Anthony Rapp of making a sexual advance towards him in 1986 when Rapp was only 14. Spacey responded by saying he couldn’t remember such an encounter, he also decided this was the right time to come out as gay which most have rightly viewed as a deflection strategy. Coincidently the following day Netflix announced that it was cancelling House of Cards after its sixth season, Spacey’s planned honor at this year’s Emmy Awards was cancelled and there are suggestions of more allegations.

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Theme Music Super Power Cool Dude by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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