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Rolls Royce boat tail Tamil - 28 Million expensive car in the world Tamil #rollsroyce #boattail

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Добавлено by В НОВОСТИ МИРА
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The Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is a customized four-seater tourer which the British automaker says is more than just a means of transport; it’s the destination itself. Affluent buyers looking for ritzy automobiles mostly go for Rolls-Royce Wraiths, Cullinans, and Phantoms. But in a period where these models have become too mainstream, now those with tens of millions want more than the industrialized luxury. They want a car like the Rolls-Royce Boat Tail whose exterior borrows from Rolls-Royces of yore and J-Class superyachts.

The result is a bespoke sumptuous vehicle that further gets tailored to each customer's taste and personality. But the Boat Tail wasn’t the first modern car made under the new Rolls-Royce Coachbuild program, that would be the one-off ultra-opulent Rolls-Royce Sweptail made in 2017. It reminded this prestigious firm about the great things it did with the Coachbuild program it canned decades ago. With the open-air and nautical-themed Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, the program is now fully back in operation and we have a worthy predecessor. The Boat Tail is so customized that it doesn't share anything with BMW and can be switched to be a fully electric Rolls-Royce in the future.

#rollsroyce #boattail #rollsroyceboattail #rollsroycetamil
credits to: Rollsroyce

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